Anonymous hacker release real Nigeria Senators Numbers and emails.

 Hold them accountable.

#endsar ongoing. Boy killed, bystander


You said "cant join the youth " see this


Nigerian youth dont want Gov. Bello

 The governor of kogi state in Nigeria has volunteer to lead the protest with the youth. The Nigerian youth are saying no,

#5for5.- 5 demands by Nigerian Youth from Buhari led government.

Twitter disables retweet and tweet functions .

 The twitter platform has disable the retweet and tweet functions for Nigerians, following the major youth protest rocking the country for weeks now.

The youth are demanding the government to put an end to tactical unit called SARS which have been causing a killings, torture. 


My life under threat

 The human right activist, convener of #revolutionnow and formal presidential candidate in Nigeria,

Major news of all time