Nigeria generated 4,226 jobs last three months of 2014 —NBS

The National Bureau of Statistics yesterday
said that a total of 4,226 jobs were created in
the last quarter of 2014.

The Bureau in its survey released yesterday
said that the jobs were collated from formal
establishments in 18 economic sectors that
were surveyed. It said that one man business
dominated the job creation with 2,725

The survey report said “As indicated in the
summary finding earlier in the report, the
formal sector of the economy generated
138,026 new jobs in the 4th quarter of 2014.
Analysing these new jobs by cadres, the
operatives cadre recorded the highest
number of jobs in the 4th quarter, rising from
49,246 employees in the previous quarter to
51,100 in fourth quarter of 2014, indicating
an increase by 1,854 new employees or 3.76
per cent. The Managerial Professional and
Technical Cadre followed with 32,974 new
jobs or 23.89 per cent of the total jobs
generated in the formal sector, showing
decline in jobs created of 5,707 or 14.75 per
cent jobs from the preceding quarter.

“The Clerical and Related Office Workers
cadre remained third, with 27,169 jobs or
19.68 per cent of the total. The cadre that
recorded the greatest increase in jobs
created between third and fourth quarters
was the ‘other cadre’, which went from 3,041
new jobs in third quarter to 8,589 new jobs in
the fourth quarter.

“A breakdown of the new jobs by economic
sector shows that the Education sector
generated the most number of new jobs in
the fourth quarter of 2014, with 54,729 Jobs
or 39,65 per cent of the total, compared to
third quarter 2014, in which manufacturing
sector had the greatest Jobs created with
54,446 Jobs or 37.43 per cent of the total.
Manufacturing sector ranked the second
most dominant employer of new labour in
quarter four, with 31.401 or 22.75 per cent of
all Jobs. The Wholesale and Retail Trade
sector was the third most dominant, with
10,659 Jobs or 7.72 per cent of the new Jobs

“The majority of new jobs created in the
formal sector belong to the 25 – 35 age
group, with 65,683 new jobs or 47.58 per
cent of the total jobs created in fourth quarter
of 2014. This indicated a decline of 9,163 or
12.24 per cent from third quarter 2014.

Similarly, the second largest age group,
36-44, provided 39,244 new employees or
28.43% of the total in the fourth quarter,
showing an increase of 10,604 or 37.02 per
cent when compared to Q3. Operatives in the
age-group 36-44 had the highest number of
new employees, with 24,936 or 18.06 per
cent of the total new jobs. For the age-group
25-35, Managerial Professional and
Technical Workers had the most number of
new employees with 21,141 or 15.32 per cent
in fourth quarter”.

It said “By legal ownership classification,
establishments owned by Sole Proprietors,
which is defined as a business entity owned
and run by one person without any legal
distinction between the owner and the
business, dominated with 2,725
establishments or 64.48 per cent of the
fourth quarter, 2014 total. The survey it said
showed a marginal increase of 2.48 per cent
points in the last quarter of 2014, when
compared to 62.00 per cent share held in the
third quarter of 2014.

“The Sole Proprietorship maintained
dominance in all other sectors except in
Construction; Transportation and Storage;
Finance and Insurance sectors.

The second most dominant type of legal
ownership status was ‘Private Limited
Liability Company’, defined as a hybrid type
of business entity used in many jurisdictions
in which the business itself is liable for its

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