what in God's name, 'Mystery disease' kills 18 in Nigeria - officials

The outbreak started in the Ode-Irele town,
Ondo state, and spread rapidly.

The disease - characterised by blurred
vision, headache and loss of consciousness
- killed the victims within 24 hours of falling

Local health officials and World Health
Organization experts are now in the town to
try to identify the disease.

Laboratory tests have so far ruled out Ebola
or any other virus, Ondo government
spokesman Kayode Akinmade was quoted
as saying by the AFP news agency.

He described the illness as "mysterious".
WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl told AFP that
all of those affected started showing
symptoms between 13-15 April.

The unidentified disease appears to be
attacking the central nervous system, state
health commissioner Dayo Adeyanju told
Nigeria's Premium Times.A "mysterious" disease has killed at least 18
people in the past several days in south-
eastern Nigeria, local officials say.

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