Osakwe Industrial Cluster gives EEDC 30 days ultimatum to improve power supply

By Chimaobi Nwaiwu
Nnewi — Osakwe Industrial Cluster, also known as Association of Small / Medium Scale Industries, Awada Obosi, near Onitsha, Anambra State, has given Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, EEDC, 30-day ultimatum to address its complaints about poor power supply and crazy bills or face legal action.
The cluster alleged that it had written severally to the Managing Director of EEDC over what it called poor and erratic power supply to the cluster, but regretted that its complaints were ignored.

The industrial cluster alleged it sent a another letter, dated February 7, 2014, complaining about the frustration it was going through due to poor electricity supply to the cluster with over 5,000 small and medium scale companies and over 15,000 workers without reply.
President General of the cluster, Mr. Johnson Okolo and General Secretary, Mr. George Chukwu, said in the letter: “It is astonishing, heart-breaking and frustrating the treatment you gave us by neglecting and refusing to reply or act on the that letter.
“The Small and Medium Scale industries are the backbone and engine of every economy, whether developed, developing or under-developed.
‘’Our cluster, as introduced to you, has 15,000 workers and not less than 5,000 industries, it is the most organized and most populated industrial cluster in West Africa.
“As the most populated, organized and the biggest industrial cluster in west African sub-region, you are supposed to be giving us 24 hours uninterrupted power supply to keep our machines running, but the situation is not so, special treatment should be given to us as Ikeja Industrial Estate in Lagos is being given.”
The cluster told the EEDC Managing Director that they acquired 20 units of 500kva transformer with their money which the EEDC had not refunded them, adding that adjoining residential streets to the cluster were provided with 500kva transformer by the cluster at no cost.
“The AK 7 Feeder used by our industrial cluster is now open to residents, thereby making nonsense of the electricity supply to the cluster that cannot even heat our machine anymore, and you have blatantly refused to treat our complaints,” it said.
The industrial cluster appealed to EEDC to make Ezeiweka Road Feeder independent of adjoining residential streets and give priority status to the cluster, adding that the alleged Asaba, Delta State abandoned 33KVA line should be used to boost and improve power supply to the industrial cluster.
“If you must do load shedding, it must be from J&P, ands you must stop bulk disconnection, it is never done, we are not living, a primitive society, this is a capitalistic society and a macroeconomic one too.
‘’The connection was not done in block and cannot be disconnected in block, if you do it again, we shall take up a legal action against your company.
“We regret that we have to write you with these strong worded words, that show how disappointed we are with the treatment your company, EEDC, is giving us, but we urge you to be a good partner in the task of industrialization of Nigeria and not a cog in the wheel to achieving that goal.
“If we fail to get a reply and improvement within 30 clear days from the date of this letter, we shall set machinery of justice, equity and justice in motion to realize our objectives,” the industrial cluster warned.

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