Rwandan Nurses Get Specialised Training in India

Three Rwandan nurses from Butaro Hospital in Burera District are undergoing specialised training in various fields at SevenHills Hospital, one of India's major specialist healthcare service providers.

Dr. Jitendradas Maganti, the SevenHills Hospital chairman and managing director, said the nurses will receive both classroom training as well as a practical orientation in the various departments.

Areas of specialisation being offered include oncology, dialysis, cardiology, emergency, outpatient department and day care during the four-week intensive training in Mumbai.

"We are delighted to welcome the nursing trainees from Rwanda. At SevenHills Hospital we believe in the philosophy of sharing knowledge and medical expertise with others. We are sure this has marked the starting point of a long-term relationship with Rwanda's Ministry of Health," Maganti said.

He said the hospital offered to train Rwandan doctors and nurses across various specialised areas.

Emmanuel Dushimimana, one of the trainees, said they will strive to imbibe best practices from SevenHills Hospital to help improve the quality of service rendered to patients in Rwanda.

The other trainees are Marie Clemence Muhayimana and Deny Gilbert Umuhizi.

The training was organised by the Ministry of Health, SevenHills Hospital and the Rwanda Development Board.

Forty-eight Rwandan health workers are due to train at the hospital in the next 12 months, Maganti said.

Clarence Fernandes, the Rwanda Development Board representative in India, said healthcare is a priority segment in Rwanda's growth story.

"We are confident that with the ongoing programmes like this one at SevenHills Hospital, we will be able to substantially improve these services," he said.

SevenHills Hospital is planning to open shop in Rwanda soon, according to Fernandes.

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