First Aid on Body rash

Body Rash

Body rash or skin rash is usually an inflammation on the skin. Eruptions on the skin of the back are called Back Rash. There is a change in color and texture on the affected area. Skin or body rash could be the result of irritation, disease or an allergic reaction. Allergies could be to food, plants, chemicals, animals, insects or other environmental factors. This kind of skin rash could affect the entire body or be
area specific. Though not all body rashes are contagious, some could be. A rash that develops on the body is usually indicative that there is some problem in the body. The rash can appear in different forms. Some rashes may appear as a collection of red bumps, while other rashes may develop as a large patch of red skin. Rashes may cause itching, burning, stinging and pain. Some rashes may also not result in any symptoms. Rashes may appear in varying shapes and sizes. The causes of rashes may also differ. Any area of the body may get affected with a rash. The most commonly affected areas are the face, back and arms. A rash can also develop in the genital region, scalp and chest. In some cases, a rash may be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever and headache. Also there could be the development of red rash all over the body of an infant and this may or may not be itchy. Whatever it may be, the condition needs to be checked by the doctor.

Symptoms of Body Rash

Little, red itchy or non-itchy bumps on the skin could be one of the indications of getting a body rash. This would then be followed by a stinging or burning sensation on the affected area. There are different types of rashes that can affect adults, children and babies alike, on the arms, legs, face or torso. Although body rash symptoms may not be easy to tell apart, it is important to identify body rash causes properly for any body rash treatment to be effective. Allergy skin rashes are the most common type of rash, caused by allergic reactions to certain triggers. This is a common type of body rash in children. Different individuals may be allergic to different substances. Some allergies are food related and occur due to the consumption of certain types of food. Other allergies may be caused by exposure to pet hair, certain plants or chemicals. Poison ivy is a well known cause of itchy body rashes in adults. Allergic reactions to such exposure generally cause the appearance of a red rash all over body parts that have come in contact with the allergen and can be extremely itchy, which is particularly problematic in children. The chemicals contained in many household detergents may also be responsible for rashes. The allergy may affect the entire body, but become manifested only in the form of a rash. Some people are also affected by pollution, cosmetics, fragrances and hair products. Exposure to all of these substances can trigger off a body rash. A rash may also develop due to exposure to certain types of rashes. A rare cause of rashes is latex allergy. This can pose a serious problem to those who need to undergo surgical procedures. Exposure to the latex gloves worn by doctors and surgeons can lead to rashes even on the open body parts and wounds. Infections can also lead to rashes. Common infections such as yeast infections or viral infections such as chicken pox cause rashes along with other symptoms. Sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to body rashes. In some cases, a rash may develop due to infestation by a parasite such as scabies. Such rashes are extremely discomforting as they lead to a significant itching. Touching the affected areas may transfer the infection to other areas of the body or even cause re-infection. Diagnosis of rashes may be done after reviewing the individual’s medical history and performing certain skin tests. Patients with compromised immunity like diabetics and HIV patients are particularly vulnerable to infections that can cause both lower and upper body rashes with severe itchy symptoms.

Remedies for Body Rash

Applying olive oil to the rash could provide some relief.
Aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil are also helpful in combating body rash.
Using baking powder on the affected area is another suggestion to deal with body and back rash.
An oatmeal bath is thought to be effective in treating body rash as it relieves inflammation. Pour a cup of uncooked oatmeal into your bathwater and soak in the tub for best results.
Wash the affected area using chamomile tea.
A poultice made from dandelion, yellow dock root and chaparral helps alleviate skin rash.
Another remedy is to soak a cloth in comfrey tea or calcium water.
Calcium Water preparation: Stir in a spoonful of calcium gluconate powder into a cup of water.
For common types of body rash, different home remedies may be used. Herbal teas are known for their healing properties and can be effectively used as body rash cures. The affected parts of the body may be washed with herbal teas such as chamomile or peppermint tea which act as skin rash remedies. Olive oil has certain therapeutic properties which help to promote healing of the skin. Applying olive oil directly to the affected areas will help to reduce itching and pain. Rubbing aloe vera gel on the rash affected areas will also help to soothe the skin. Another popular remedy for body rash is baking soda. Simply pat some baking soda on the skin for relief from itching and irritation. An oatmeal bath works excellently in soothing a skin rash. Add one cup of raw oatmeal to warm bathwater and soak in this for some time. This will provide quick relief and also induce healing. A paste made with a couple of garlic cloves, salt, pepper, ten basil leaves and a tablespoon of olive oil is a wonderful remedy for body rash. Apply this mixture over all the affected areas for relief. Rashes often break out when the immune system is weak. Boost immunity by consuming foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits.

Diet for Body Rash

The antioxidant properties present in Vitamin C helps in fighting body rash. Consume foods rich in Vitamin C.

Avoid foods causing allergic skin rash on the body or back.

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