Rescue a Cardiac Arrest persons.

     About Cardiac Arrest

    Often caused by abnormal heart rhythm
    This aberrant rhythm is ventricular fibrillation (VF)
    During VF heart stops pumping blood
    Patient may stop breathing
    No pulse may be detected

    A shock to the heart, called defibrillation, required
    Defibrillation stops VF, restores heart function

   What is CPR?

    Emergency life-saving measure
    Combination of rescue breathing & chest compressions
    Done on unconscious/ non-breathing patient
    Done on persons suffering cardiac arrest
    Also for near-drowning/ asphyxiation/ trauma cases
    CPR conducts defibrillation
    Supports heart pumping for short duration
    Allows oxygen to reach brain
    Buys time till help arrives
    More effective when done as early as possible

   THE VITAL STEPS Clear the airway

    Assess if the person is conscious / breathing
    Lay the person on his back on a hard surface
    Using a head tilt -chin lift open his airway
    Check for breathing sound
    If not breathing, start mouth-to-mouth breathing

   Mouth- to-mouth breathing

    Pinch the person's nostril shut
    Seal his mouth with your own
    Give the first breath, lasting one second
    Watch if chest rises
    If it rises, give second rescue breath
    If it does not rise, give a head tilt- chin lift
    Now give second rescue breath

   Restore circulation through compression

    Place heel of your palm on patient's chest
    Place your other hand above first
    Keep elbows straight
    Push down using upper body weight (compress)
    Push hard and fast
    After 30 compressions, clear airway
    Give two rescue breaths
    This is one cycle
    Give 100 compressions /minute
    Continue CPR till medical help arrives

   CPR for children (under 8 yrs/ infant)

    Procedure almost same as for adult
    Following details should be incorporated
    20 breaths/min should be delivered
    100 compressions/minute should be given
    Chest compressions - given with one hand


    If done well, CPR saves life
    Normalcy is restored in rescued person
    CPR can also be ineffective, causing death
    In some cases, causes injuries / damages


    Ribs/heart/lungs/ liver may be injured
    After CPR, medical attention should be given

   CPR training

    CPR - practical skill acquired through training
    Professional training/ regular practice mandatory
    CPR not confined to medical professionals
    Community organizations, like Red Cross, conduct training

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