Cornea Abrasion.


    Cornea is outer layer of the eye
    Tearing away of this layer leads to corneal abrasion.
    Most common injury to
the eye
    Multiple nerve endings present in cornea, hence painful

     Causes   May be caused by

    A finger nail
    Any sharp flying object like pencil, glass
    Tiny particles, like sand
    Contact lens


    Redness of the eye
    Blurred vision
    Discomfort in the eye
    Difficulty in opening eyes
    Head ache
    Discharge of tears


    Antibiotic used to prevent infection
    Examination is done after using an anaesthetic
    Pain returns after anaesthetic is stopped
    Repeated usage of anaesthetic is harmful
    Eye ointments, pain relievers are provided
    A ‘patch’ may be put on the eyes
    Eye ointments/ lubricants at night prevents recurrence

      Do Not

    Do not rub eyes during healing phase
    This may destroy the newly forming cells
    Repatching may then be necessary
    Do not wear contact lens till cured


    Small corneal abrasions heal quickly
    Blurriness may last for a few weeks
    Permanent loss of sight is rare
    Occasionally abrasions may recur


    Always follow instructions while using contact lens
    Do not wear contact lens for too long
    Remove lens if irritation /dryness occurs
    Do not rub eyes too hard
    Wash hands whenever required
    Trim your nails regularly
    Be careful while using ‘glitter’ make up
    Wear protective gears while sporting

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