Nigeria must improve in Healrh sector.NMA president.

Fifty-five years after independence, Ni­geria has achieved quite a number of strides in health care delivery with the elimination of Ebola Virus Disease, EVD, and polio, the reduction of child and infant mortality rate and enact­ment of
the National Health Act.
However, there is still a lot more to be done in areas of disease research and man­agement.
President of Nigerian Medical Association, NMA, Dr. Kayode Obembe, who made this declaration yes­terday during the launch of Nigeria Institute of Medical Research, NIMR’s Biomedi­cal Training and Cancer Research Centre, explained that the newly inaugurated cancer research centre is an­other landmark that would aid in biomedical training.
While commending Di­rector General of NIMR, Prof. Innocent Ujah, for the achievement, he noted that the cancer research centre was the first public-privately-owned cancer research insti­tute equipped with function­al hi-tech equipment from Sysmex, an international di­agnostic equipment supplier.
“This is a very unique episode in medical practice. The edifice is symbolical be­cause it illustrates how pub­lic-private partnership can be very effective in moving healthcare forward. We are happy because unlike other such buildings that are not functioning, this one is func­tional, the equipment are al­ready inside and we believe they are going to deliver,” he said.

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