Colorado students trills with Nude pictures

Colorado students have been swapping hundreds of nude photos ‘like trading cards’ in a school scandal.

Pupils at Canon City High School have been suspended after police discovered the teenagers were
sharing hundreds of snaps.

The school’s Tigers football team were forced to forfeit a game because so many of the players were excluded from class.

The school explained that it would not have been possible to field an entire team of players who definitely did not participate.

Teachers gave police one phone with several hundred images that investigators will work to identify, police chief Paul Schultz said Friday.

“It got to the point of maybe a little bit of a contest, see who could collect the most,” Cañon City School District Superintendent George Welsh said.

Teachers at the school were shocked when they uncovered the scale of the scandal.
The students allegedly kept the photos on their phones using 'photo vault' apps that keep the photos hidden.

“We know there's hundreds of photos,” Bret Meuli, principal of the school, told the Canon City Daily Record.

“It was flooring to us on how many photos that we were finding on the phones that have been confiscated."

The district has said that both girls and boys are involved in the sexting.

Police have advised parents to check their kids’ phones and warned them of the dangers of sending selfies.

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