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Symptoms of Cold Sores

Cold sores, also referred to as fever blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores are contagious. They are often mistaken for canker sores – a non contagious mouth ulcer. Cold sores mainly occur on the skin adjacent to mouth, mostly on
the lips. Sometimes they may occur on chin, nostrils, fingers or genitals. The medical term for cold sores is recurrent herpes labialis.

The herpes simplex is a much dreaded virus because of the symptoms and effects of infection, of which cold sores inside the mouth happen to be just one of the possible symptoms. There is no permanent cure for an infection and the only solution is treatment and relief of symptoms as and when they arise. Cold sore symptoms could easily be overlooked or confused with other less worrying conditions. However one should remember that if an infection is diagnosed, the condition can be treated using cold sore home remedies and cold sore treatments. It should be pointed out that herpes is highly contagious and the infection can easily be passed on through direct contact. Sexual contact with an infected individual poses the highest risk of contagion, including via oral sex.

As mentioned, cold sores and fever blisters are attributed to the herpes simplex virus. Keep in mind however that there are two distinct types of the herpes simplex virus. While Type 1 is generally found to be the cause for cold sores, type 2 affects the genital area. This is why they are often referred to as oral herpes and genital herpes respectively. The problem with a cold sores infection is that the condition is highly contagious and to make matters worse symptoms may not always be present. This means that you could unwittingly spread or pick up an infection. In cases of oral herpes where symptoms do develop they are painful and unsightly. Cold sore blisters tend to occur in the areas surrounding the mouth, such as on the lips, chin, cheeks, or even in the nostrils. Cold sores or fever blisters that develop in the mouth are most likely to occur on the gums or roof of the mouth.

Symptoms of Cold Sores

Generally signs and symptoms of cold sores are seen after twenty days of exposure to the virus. Small, painful and fluid-filled red or brown blisters could be seen on the skin. Blisters may burst and ooze. Tingling precedes blisters after one or two days. Once infected by the virus you may experience head ache, irritability and fever. There may be problem in swallowing any food stuff or liquid. Itching and swelling of lips are common. Lymph nodes on the neck may swell. Drooling may be seen among small children. Symptoms may last from seven to ten days.

Cold sores most often tend to appear on the lips, but could also appear on the nostrils, chin and possibly on the fingers. At times there could also be an appearance of cold sores on the insides of your mouth, on the gums or cheek, but in most cases these are canker sores. It should be pointed out that herpes simplex, which is the virus responsible, is highly contagious and thus spreads very quickly from one person to the other. Besides this, treatment could be delayed as the symptoms, such as cold sore symptoms could take as much as 20 days to appear, following exposure. You would probably notice that in around two weeks the cold sores inside the mouth clear naturally, with the formation of blisters and their eventual breakage. This is then followed by the formation of a yellowish crust that eventually sloughs off to reveal fresh skin below that heals without scarring.

Prior to the appearance of full fledged cold sore symptoms you would probably notice a tingling sensation in the area and may also notice the area to be slightly raised and inflamed. This sensation in the area is called prodrome and tends to appear a day or two prior to the actual appearance of the cold sore inside the mouth or anywhere else on the body.

Cold sore outbreaks usually clear up on their own without any herpes or cold sores treatments. Cold sores treatment with home remedies and other fast fixes simply provide relief. There are however certain circumstances under which it would be advisable to seek a doctor’s advice:

If you suffer from a compromised or weakened immune system due to some pre-existing health condition.
If the cold sores are persistent and linger on for more than one or two weeks when untreated.
If the symptoms are severe or if cold sore outbreaks are very frequent.
If you also experience irritation in the eyes.
Cold sores symptoms may not always be present even if you have been infected with the herpes virus. Under normal circumstances the symptoms of cold sores may only surface around twenty days after exposure and infection, and in some cases the symptoms may not even become apparent until much later. This however does not mean that you are not infected and you could still be a carrier of the virus and pose a serious risk of infection to others. It would therefore make sense to go in for type specific blood tests if you even have the slightest suspicion or reason to believe that you may have been exposed to infection. Some conditions for reasonable suspicion include the following:

If you are in a physical relationship with a partner who is infected, despite which you have never experienced symptoms and have not been tested.
If you have been in a relationship with a partner who was infected, or if you are aware that your partner may have been exposed to the virus.
If you have had several sexual partners or have engaged in unprotected casual sex and would like to be tested for prevalent STDs.
Remedies for Cold Sores

Use Ice

Ice is a very good home remedy for cold sores. Rub ice on the infected skin for few minutes, repeat this every hour.

Use Tea Bag

Apply a tea bag for few minutes on the blisters, repeat this every hour. One can also consider pressing a warm tea bag on the blisters for approximately 30 minutes.

Other Remedies

Applying Witch Hazel on sores will give you some relief. Dip your moist index finger in powdered common salt and press the sore for 30 seconds using this index finger. Gently rub aloe vera gel or oil on the sores. Lemon balm extract helps to reduce symptoms and speeds up healing.

Those having weak immune system will take more time to recover and may face more severe consequences.

Very often over exposure or sensitivity to sunlight could cause outbreaks of cold sores inside the mouth. In order to avoid such situations it is advisable to use a good quality sunscreen on your lips if you are going to be spending too much time in the sun.

Make sure that you do not simply attempt to disguise the cold sores by using makeup and other cosmetic products as very often the chemicals in them will simply cause further irritation to the skin and worsen the condition.

Use Licorice

Cold sore treatment with cold sore home remedies like candy may sound far fetched but there is some truth to it. According to many researchers licorice can actually help inhibit the development of cold sores. This effect is attributed to an ingredient in licorice, known as glycyrrhizic acid. Try chewing on a licorice whip, but just you would need to be sure that it is actually made from real licorice. You could also simply buy some licorice powder and sprinkle it over the sores.

Use Cold Milk

According to some naturalists cold milk has a role in cold sore treatment as they believe it can provide relief and even promote healing. According to some, you could simply soak a cotton ball or swab in some cold milk and dab it or apply gently over the sore.

Certain Things you Need to Avoid

Do not use cosmetic products in an attempt to hide cold sores. Burying the cold sores under a layer of makeup will simply aggravate the problem as most cosmetics do contain some chemicals, which would be too harsh for your already highly sensitized skin.

Avoid picking or pinching at a cold sore as this poses a high threat of bacterial infection. Also make sure that you never touch the cold sore and then touch your eyes or genitals, as this will simply spread the infection. Always make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly or use a hand sanitizer after touching a cold sore.

Use Zinc Lozenges

Stress can trigger cold sores and one of the best ways to prevent cold sores is by sucking on zinc lozenges. These lozenges are very good for boosting the immune system and can therefore help in preventing cold sores.

Use Peppermint Oil

For cold sore on lips treatment using peppermint oil has also been found to be very effective. Peppermint oil can penetrate the skin and its powerful antiviral properties can have a curing effect on cold sores.

Use Reishi and Astragalus

The Reishi mushroom has been widely used in Chinese medicine to boost immunity. 600 milligrams of this herb in powder or supplement form can be taken one or two times a day to control the spread of cold sores causing herpes virus. Reishi is also used in combination with an herb called astragalus to improve immunity in people who have been infected with the herpes virus.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

A good home remedy for cold sores on the tongue is a solution prepared by mixing water with 2 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, one teaspoon of baking soda and five teaspoons of salt. This solution can be used to rinse the mouth for at least a minute, 4-5 times a day to effectively get rid of cold sores on the tongue.

Use Raw Onion

Small pieces of raw onion can be applied directly on the cold sores for treating and preventing cold sores from getting worse.

Use Plum Juice

For getting rid of cold sores on tongue and in the mouth, 2 tablespoons of plum juice freshly squeezed can be used as a mouth rinse. In case of severe cold sores, a cotton ball can be soaked for sometime in the plum juice and then used as a compress over the cold sores to relieve pain and inflammation.

Diet for Cold Sores

Avoid acidic and salty foods. Foods such as chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat are high in arginine, therefore they should be restricted. Avoid tea and coffee. Eat vitamin rich diet. Your diet must include vitamin A, C and E. Zinc and iron are also necessary. Include garlic in your diet. Eat fresh food with high antioxidants and high complex carbohydrates. Avoid processed food. Eat lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables.While lysine, the amino acid, exercises a positive effect on your body’s natural defense system, arginine, which is another amino acid, demonstrates a suppressing effect on lysine. It is therefore best to restrict your intake of arginine sources like meats, dairy produce, nuts, seeds and corn. It is not necessary to avoid these foods completely though.

During an outbreak it would be advisable to avoid consuming citric fruits like oranges and lemons as they may cause severe irritation to any cold sore inside the mouth. For the same reason it would also be best to avoid any spicy or hard, crisp foods that could irritate the skin.

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