Police siege in Paris surbub, three dead in explosive.

A suicide bomber took her own life with an explosive vest during a police siege in north Paris as authorities closed in on the alleged mastermind behind last week’s terrorist attacks believed hiding in an apartment.
French assault team.

A second suspect behind a string of suicide bombings and
rolling gunfire that killed 129 people throughout Paris was also killed during the raid near the Stade de France targeted by the Islamic State Friday.

A hail of automatic gunfire between the suspects and police began a 4 a.m. raid targeting Abdelhamid Abaaoud in the Saint-Denis neighborhood, waking up panicked residents.

At least six explosions at around 6:30 a.m. local time echoed down the streets clogged with heavily armed police officers and members of the French military staked outside the apartment building where several suspects in the bombings were hiding out.

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