A corn refers to a localized thickening of the skin, especially on the toes, and extending into subcutaneous tissue.
A corn is usually small and painful.
What is a Corn on your Foot? Quite simply, a corn is a painful area of hardened and dead skin on your foot. It is present either at the pressure point of your foot or at an area that is under a great deal of friction.
Symptoms of Corns
Found Over the Joints of Toes
Corns are usually found over the joints of the toes and on the soles of the feet. They are shaped like a pyramid with the apex pointing inwards. They are tender when touched. Sometimes painful and infective warts that occur on the soles of the feet are mistaken for corns
Corns and Calluses on Feet
The causes of corns and calluses on feet are similar as they develop due to continuous rubbing, friction or pressure on the skin. Corns are slightly smaller than calluses and have hard centers which develop on either on tops of toes or on the sides of them. Calluses are commonly found on both hands and feet because these areas of skin are either constantly under pressure or constantly rubbed. Bear in mind that calluses are actually the bodys defense mechanism. If calluses do not form, healthy skin gets infected and you can suffer from problems that include blisters, bleeding tissues among others.
Home Remedies for Corns
Corns Treatment Using Liquorice
Liquorice is one of the most valuable remedies for corns that are just appearing. A paste made by grinding three or four liquorice sticks and mixing it with half a teaspoon of sesame oil or mustard oil should be rubbed into the hardened skin at bedtime. The skin gradually softens and the corn decreases in size.
Corns Treatment Using Lemon
Lemon is another valuable remedy for corns. A fresh slice of lemon should be tied over the painful area at night and allowed to remain there the whole night.
Corns Treatment Using Papaya
Raw papaya is beneficial in the treatment of corns. Its juice is an irritant and it is, therefore, a useful application in this condition. Half a teaspoon of raw papaya juice may be applied thrice daily.
Corns Treatment Using Indian Squill
The herb Indian squill, botanically known as Urginea indica, is useful in removing corns. A bulb may be roasted and applied over the corn. It should he secured with a bandage. This application may be made at night and removed in the morning.
Corns Treatment Using Green Figs
The milky juice of green figs is valuable for corns of long duration. It helps to soften them. Half a teaspoon of this juice may be extracted from the fruit and applied two or three times daily.
Corns Treatment Using Chalk Powder
Chalk powder has also been found beneficial in the treatment of corns. A small piece of chalk may be ground into a paste with water and applied over the affected area.
Corns on Feet: Removal in Children
Corns are also commonly found on childrens feet as well. These can be extremely uncomfortable but can also be prevented from occurring. Corns take a little while to go away but there are some steps on the removal of corns. One excellent remedy is to wear comfortable and roomy shoes. Try using a doughnut shaped pad on the toe area inside your shoe. This will avoid any friction with your toe and shoe. Rub a pumice stone on the corn as this will reduce some of the hardness as well as alleviate the pain and discomfort the child is suffering.
Foot Corns and Calluses Treatment
Corns and calluses are thick and hardened layers of skin that develop when the skin tries to protect itself from pressure and friction. Corns are usually found on the toes and the skin around the corn develops a yellowish color and looks like a ring around the corn. The center of the corn is usually a grayish color. Calluses are somewhat similar in appearance, in terms of the color and thickening of the skin. What then is the treatment to get rid of such corns and calluses? Treatment usually involves avoiding repetitive actions that allow them to develop in the first place. Using protective pads and wearing proper fitting shoes are two remedies that can help.
Corn Removal: Soft Corn, Surgery
Try out a home remedy before you opt for surgery to remove a corn. There are several home remedies which have been successful in treating corns. One such remedy is by using Castor oil. Apply it at night to the affected area and wash it off in the morning. Be sure to wear thick socks so that the sheets do not get stained with the oil. Aspirin is also a great remedy for healing corns. Put three drops of water over a few aspirins to make a paste. Apply this paste on the corn and cover the corn with a band aid. Leave on overnight. Repeat this process every night until the corn heals completely. If you have a soft corn, make sure you wear the right size shoes.
Foot Corn Treatment: Natural Cures
Now that we know about the causes of a foot corn, let us look at some natural ways to get rid of such corns. One natural way of getting rid of corns is by using baking soda. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a half a basin of warm water. Soak your feet in this solution for about half an hour and then use a pumice stone to rub away the dead skin.
Removing Corns: From Feet, From Toes
There are many natural remedies for removing corns from feet and from toes. Here is one of them. Wash your feet with soap and water. Then apply aloe vera to the affected areas and massage it in for about 20-30 minutes. Do this at least twice or thrice a day for best results. Aloe vera is known to treat various kinds of skin disorders and is helpful in getting rid of corns as well.
How to Remove Corns: From Feet, without Surgery
Read on if you are wondering how to remove corns from your feet without surgery. Make a foot soak solution by mixing a mixture of 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of Epsom salts. Put 3 tablespoons of this foot soak per gallon of water till it dissolves. Ensure that the water is as hot as you can take it. Soak your feet for about 30 minutes and then scrub the corn with a pumice stone.
Treatment of Corns: Between Toes, on Hands
Soft corns usually develop between toes and occur as a result of friction between the toes. Such corns are not found hands. Wearing shoes that do not fit well usually give rise to such corns. Treatment of corns between toes entails wearing shoes that have enough toe space. Allow enough room for your toes to move and ensure that they do not rub against your shoes. Corn pads or foam cushions help as well.
How to Get Rid of Corns: Fast, at Home
One often wonders how to get rid of corns fast and at home as well. No one really wants to undergo surgery to get rid of these problematic corns. One way of doing this is by using apple cider vinegar. Soak a small cotton or wool ball in apple cider vinegar and place it on the corn. Repeat this daily till the corn dries up. As mentioned above, well fitted shoes will prevent corns from appearing in the first place. Do ensure that the shoe is comfortable and not too loose as this can give rise to soft corns.
Treating Corns: and Calluses, on Feet
There are even more options for treating corns and calluses that appear on ones feet. Do a pedicure twice a week to remove dead skin. Soak your feet in hot and soapy water for about 10 minutes. Then use to pumice stone to remove the dead skin. Dry your feet thoroughly once this is done and then moisturize well. This helps to keep your skin soft.
Diet for Corns
Diet Containing Vitamins and Minerals Should be Taken
A light nutritious diet containing vitamins and minerals in the form of fruits and vegetables is recommended.
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