Am going to fight back.Cruz.

fundraising mode late Tuesday to "fight back" after a controversial cartoon depicting his young daughters as monkeys was published and retracted.

"My daughters are not FAIR GAME," the Texas senator wrote in a fundraising email sent to supporters late Tuesday night. "I'm sickened ... I knew I'd
be facing attacks from day one of my campaign, but I never expected anything like this.

"This is an emergency — all hands on deck," Cruz said in the letter. "Click here to make an instant, emergency contribution and help me fight back."

The Washington Post has retracted the cartoon that joked about Cruz using his daughters as political props.
Cruz wrote that he was seeking to raise $1 million in the next 24 hours to help counter "the liberal media," which he said was trying to "attack and destroy me (and my family) by any means necessary."

The reactionary appeal came just hours after The Washington Post published online, and retracted, a controversial cartoon that took aim at Cruz and his family.

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