Caught Abusing a 6month old baby.

A nanny-cam planted by a suspicious Brooklyn couple twice captured a babysitter roughing up their helpless six-month-old daughter.

Elena Bass, 36, of Staten Island, was charged with assault and acting in a manner injurious to a child Wednesday for the twin incidents just prior to Christmas.

According to cops, the woman “violently
removed” the child from a changing table in her employers’ downtown Brooklyn home — and on another occasion slammed the girl down into an armchair.

The baby’s shocked mother caught the second incident as it happened through a camera system linked to her phone.

But Bass "believes the tape isn't accurate," according to her attorney Earl Roberts.

Elena Bass was twice caught abusing a helpless 6-month-old girl on a nanny-cam.
"One of the tapes sped up at the end and the mother concurred there is a problem with the tape," Roberts said.

The babysitter was released on her own recognize at her arraignment and ordered to stay away from the couple and their child.

Bass didn’t respond to questions as walked out of Brooklyn Criminal Court. Her husband replied with a curt, “no comment.”

One of Bass’ neighbors described her as “a little off,” adding that she was known for taking in stray cats.

Elena Bass was twice caught abusing a helpless six-month-old girl on a nanny-cam planted by the tiny victim's suspicious parents.
The 6-month-old baby was allegedly assaulted by nanny Elena Bass at its home on Schermerhorn Street in Brooklyn.
“We call her the cat lady,” said a second neighbor.

The nanny admitted assaulting the child, though the kid suffered no injuries, sources said.

The incidents occurred on Dec. 22 and Dec. 23, with the parents going to cops on Dec. 28, sources said.

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