A chilling confession by a Bronx mother led cops Saturday to the remains of her 2-month-old son in a wooded area in upstate Putnam County, sources said.
The dead baby was found in the woods near a Brewster motel after the 31-year-old mother told police her boyfriend, 51, beat the boy to
death — and then the two of them went on a ghoulish 50-mile drive to dump the remains, sources said.
“Oh Jesus. That's horrible,” a worker at the Heidi’s Inn motel on Route 22 blurted to the Daily News after learning the news.

“Even if you have the irrational desire to murder a baby, you'd think there'd be something left in your soul that you wouldn't want to carry it around.”
The gruesome discovery was set in motion on Thursday when the unidentified mother told her psychiatrist that her baby had been killed.
The doctor tipped off the cops the following day, prompting the investigators to track down the mother, sources said.
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