Edema can be described as very pronounced swelling of the body because of the accumulation of fluid or fluid retention in body tissues. This condition typically occurs in the feet and the legs, a condition often referred to as peripheral edema. In the context of edema the swelling is attributed to the accumulation of such excess
fluid in space within the tissue beneath the skin. Body tissue actually consists of cells and blood vessels that are held together by connective tissues. This tissue located around the cells and blood vessels is referred to as interstitium. Most of the fluid in our bodies that is not within cells would be stored in these interstitial and in blood vessels as the serum or liquid component of the blood. Certain diseases or health condition can cause the buildup of fluids in these locations, posing a health risk and causing great discomfort.
Edema also known as oedema means swelling of body parts due to fluid retention. It is the accumulation of excessive serous fluids in cells or cavities of the body. It mainly affects lower body parts, mostly foot and ankles. It can slow down the healing process, increase the chances of developing skin infection, affect blood circulation and can be painful. Edema is not a disease; it only indicates that something is wrong in the body. Edema is due to an underlying problem in the body.
Although edema is typically associated with old age or pregnancy the condition can affect almost anyone. Edema is not a disease or a health disorder in itself, but is a sign of some underlying health problem. Severe edema that occurs repetitively or for prolonged periods would signify some serious health condition and should be treated very urgently. Facial edema symptoms can also be quite disturbing, particularly in children, and may be addressed with edema remedies or medical treatment depending on the severity.
Symptoms of Edema
The main and primary symptom of edema is non-inflammatory swelling of body parts, especially the foot and the ankles. When the lump is pressed it creates a hollow which takes some time to disappear.
Edema symptoms can vary greatly as edema symptoms and causes are inter-related and the symptoms would differ depending on the underlying cause. Any cures for edema would depend on the cause, which is why an accurate diagnosis is vital.
You may notice inflammation or swelling and puffiness of the skin, giving it a stretched and shiny appearance. This type of edema symptom appears when the lower legs or lower back are affected. The swelling typically worsens with extended periods of sitting or standing. It also appear to get a lot worse towards the end of the day
You may also notice increased abdominal size
Edema in the chest region would also cause symptoms like shortness of breath
Body aches or aches in specific parts of the body are also quite common
Stiffness of the joints is another common symptom in edema sufferers
You may also experience a fluctuation in weight, with either weight gain or weight loss
There may also be other symptoms like increased blood pressure or hypertension
Edema causes swelling of the hands, legs and ankles in pregnancy.
Causes of Edema
Following are some of the causes of edema. Heart Failure, Anemia, Kidney disease, Low protein level in the blood, Liver disease, Malnutrition, Starvation for longtime, Thyroid disease, Weak veins, Medications, Pregnancy, Menstrual cycles, Immobility. Sometimes even a healthy person can get edema but it gets cured automatically after some time. Heat and hot weather can also cause edema. Edema causes abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin causing tingling sensation. Increased hydrostatic pressure can be the chief cause for pulmonary edema. Several factors including reduced oncotic pressure causes pitting edema. Know what causes pitting and non pitting edema.
Edema is actually caused by a buildup of excessive fluids in body tissue, which can be caused by a variety of factors. Because of the strong forces of gravity body fluids are pulled downwards, naturally towards the legs and feet. This depends on bodily posture and when seated or standing for prolonged periods it could cause edema of the legs, which is one of the most common types of edema. High sodium levels in your diet can severely aggravate the problem, which is why salt intake needs to be reduced. The condition may also be brought on due to certain medications. Edema in itself is not a disease and is therefore not contagious, nor can it be passed down through heredity. The condition could however be caused by a variety of other disorders:
Chronic venous disease is a common cause of edema, particularly edema of the lower legs. This is a chronic venous disease in which the ability of the veins in the legs is severely compromised, restricting the flow of blood back up to the heart. This is basically a condition in which the veins valves are damaged.
The development of a blood clot in the deep veins of the lower leg, also known as deep vein thrombosis can cause severe edema, typically restricted to the feet or ankles. In this condition it may not be necessary for both legs to be affected.
Edema symptoms in pregnancy are not out of the ordinary as pregnant women retain extra fluid and swelling often develops in the extremities like the hands feet and face. This can often act as one of the facial or lower extremity edema and leg edema causes. The condition resolves naturally upon culmination of the pregnancy and edema treatment with natural measures like exercise and massage are best during pregnancy. Lower extremity edema management in pregnancy can be achieved simply by getting adequate rest if the condition is not too severe.
In some women edema is a regular occurrence, following a cyclic pattern, coinciding with your monthly menstrual cycle as it can be influenced by hormonal changes. This type of edema is quite common, but edema treatment is not really necessary as the condition resolves naturally. Self care measures can however be used for some relief.
Edema can also occur as a drug reaction caused by certain medications like certain oral diabetes drugs, as well as hypertension medications and a number of over the counter pain relievers and hormonal drugs.
Kidney disease and heart disease can also cause edema to develop and are both serious conditions causing more complicated edema symptoms.
Liver cirrhosis is another possible cause of edema as it obstructs blood flow in the liver.
Edema can develop while travelling, particularly among fliers because of the extended periods of time spent seated. In most cases this is not really problematic as it is not indicative of any serious disease. Continued swelling even a day or two after travelling should however be reported to your health care provider.
Remedies for Edema
Mustard oil is an effective home remedy for edema. Take some warm mustard oil and rub it on the affected areas.
Soak 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds in water and apply the solution to the affected areas. Apple cider vinegar helps to remove excess fluid in the body cells and cavities.
Diet for Edema
Salt causes body to retain water, so avoid salty food. Eat food that has low carbohydrate in it, because carbohydrate has more water content. Eat protein and fat rich food. Avoid fruits and vegetables because they increase the fluid level in the body. Eat low-sodium diet because medicines will be ineffective if you eat high-sodium diet.
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