Xenophobic attacks increase in German refugee camp.

Xenophobic attacks against refugees from the Middle East and Africa have seen an alarming rise when compared to last year’s figures, soaring to over 800 cases, the latest data from German police says.
At least 817 attacks on refugee shelters have been carried out since the beginning of this year, according to
Germany’s Criminal Police Office statistics, which were made public during a parliamentary session on Wednesday. In contrast, there were only 199 similar crimes recorded in 2014.

Read more
Germany ablaze: Over 200 attacks on refugee homes, only 4 convictions
The rise in violence comes despite, or perhaps because of, the welcoming policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government towards asylum seekers, which have resulted in a mass influx of refugees into Germany over the past year.

The crimes include arson attacks, property damage, and hate graffiti. The number of arsons, which amounted to only six in 2014, soared to 65.

More than 750 of the 817 attacks were carried out by right-wing extremists, while in 2014 they were responsible for 177 out of 199.

Germany’s Justice Minister Heiko Maas expressed concern over the significant increase in the number of acts of violence against refugees when the initial figures were announced last week.

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