First Aid on Fracture

What is fracture?
    A broken or cracked bone
    Occurs when pressure is applied to bone
    Occurs with / without displacement of
bone fragments


    Open fracture: Skin breaks causing open wound
    Closed fracture: Skin not broken
    Complicated fractures: Damage of adjacent organs
    Stress fracture: Hairline crack due to repeated stress
    Greenstick fracture: In children's flexible bones


    Severe pain
    Difficulty in movement
    Swelling/ bruising / bleeding
    Deformity / abnormal twist of limb
    Tenderness on applying pressure


    Depends on type & location of fracture

For open fractures

    Control bleeding before treatment
    Rinse and dress the wound

For open / closed fractures

    Check the breathing
    Calm the person
    Examine for other injuries
    Immobilize the broken wound
    Apply ice to reduce pain / swelling
    Consult a doctor

   DO NOt
    Massage the affected area
    Straighten the broken bone
    Move without support to broken bone
    Move joints above / below the fracture
    Give oral liquids / food


    Wear protective pads / helmets when driving
    Teach children / practice, safe habits

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