Heat Cramps


    Heat cramps are involuntary muscle spasms
    They are caused by deficiency of water and sodium
    Heat cramps are painful, may be severe and prolonged
    Heavy exercising in hot weather causes excessive sweating
    This causes electrolyte deficiency resulting
in muscle cramps
    Muscles most affected are the voluntary muscles of-
    a. Calves
    b. Arms
    c. Thighs
    d. Back
    e. Abdomen
    Heat cramps are the least serious of all heat injuries
    It is a warning sign for heat exhaustion

   Risk factors

    Negative sodium balance
    Diuretic medications
    Absence of acclimatization / adaptation


    Excessive sweating
    Loss of body salts
    Muscle stress
    Poor body condition

   Symptoms Some of the most common symptoms are:

    Dizzy feeling
    Rapid heartbeat
    Hot/sweaty skin


    Rest briefly and cool down
    Manual pressure / massage must be applied to the affected muscle
    Drink one quart of water with one teaspoon of salt
    Drink some clear juice / electrolyte-containing sports drink
    Practice gentle stretching exercise of the affected muscle
    Seek medical help if the cramps remain after 1 hour

   Prognosis  Heat cramps usually improves with

    An electrolyte drink
    Cool shade


    Adequate fluids must be taken periodically
    Fluids must be taken before feeling thirsty
    Avoid heavy sweaty exercises in humid conditions
    Make sure to drink fluids while exercising

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