Hemorrhoids, also commonly referred to as piles, are a very common problem, affecting thousands of men and women in the United States. They can be described as a condition in which veins in the lower rectum and anus that have become swollen and inflamed. During a bowel movement there is some amount
of pressure exerted on the region and in some individuals a greater amount of pressure could be exerted for various possible reasons. Such individuals are more likely to suffer from the problem of hemorrhoids. This is because our veins have the tendency to stretch and swell up if we exert a lot of force on them. The veins in the rectal area begin to bulge if exposed to such excessive pressure on a regular basis or for a prolonged period. Constipation and certain other digestive disorders are therefore a common cause for hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are mainly of two types, - internal hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids. As the name suggests, internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum and therefore, they cannot be felt. External hemorrhoids lie just below the skin, around the anus and can easily be felt. In some cases, an internal hemorrhoid can get pushed through the anal opening, thereby leading to a prolapsed or a protruding hemorrhoid. The symptoms for each type of piles may vary to a slight extent.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
There are several different symptoms for hemorrhoids, and these actually depend on the location. Since internal hemorrhoids lie within the rectum, you are not likely to feel or see them and fortunately, they do not cause a lot of discomfort either. However, every time you strain while having a bowel movement, the surface of the hemorrhoid could experience abrasion and may bleed. External hemorrhoids on the other hand are outside the anal opening. They can be felt and seen and at the same time, they could lead to a lot of pain. Some of the other symptoms for hemorrhoids include:
A lump near the anal opening, which is painful and sensitive
Bleeding during bowel movements
Leakage of feces
Irritation and itchiness near the anal region
In case you suffer from piles, it is possible that you will not experience most of the symptoms, which is why it may go unnoticed and could even develop into bleeding piles. In cases of hemorrhoids where bleeding does occur, you do not lose copious amounts of blood and you would actually need to be watchful as it is more likely that there would just be a few drops of blood passed. Some of the symptoms for hemorrhoids are more serious than the others and include:
Lightheadedness, dizziness or bouts of passing out
Appearance of blood clots during a bowel movement or seeing blood mixed with stools
Passing stools that are black, tarry or maroon in color
In case you experience any of these severe symptoms, you need to visit a doctor right away. Unfortunately, many people have been known to ignore anal bleeding, because they believe that it is caused by piles, and can be easily remedied at home. Whether or not the condition can be treated with home care, a visit to the doctor is essential, as there are other health problems that could also lead to bleeding from the rectal area, some of which could be quite serious like anal and colorectal cancer. Any instance of pain and frequent bleeding in the rectal area should be checked and treated by a doctor without any delay.
Causes of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids is an affliction of varicose veins that develops in the anal area. Such a condition is basically caused because the veins are subjected to an excessive amount of pressure. Individuals who suffer from certain digestive problems like constipation that cause straining to evacuate the bowels are most susceptible to developing hemorrhoids. While the sole cause for hemorrhoids is excess pressure during bowel movements, there are many factors that could cause you to face this problem. Some of the most common causes for hemorrhoids include:
Many women have been known to develop piles only during the course of pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy can be regarded as one of the most common causes for hemorrhoids in women. In such a scenario however, it is simply a temporary problem that will resolve post pregnancy.
Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Fortunately, it is not difficult to treat hemorrhoids and alleviate the pain caused by them with simple natural treatments. In most cases, health experts advise people to first try out simple home remedies and incorporate a few dietary as well as lifestyle changes. In most cases, these remedies for hemorrhoids bring about a significant amount of relief. The most important aspect of treatment as stressed by health care providers would be to make sustainable long term changes to ones diet and lifestyle to prevent recurrences and also to treat the condition. In very severe cases medical treatment may be essential for immediate relief, but no medication will offer a long term cure. Given below are some of the most commonly recommended remedies for hemorrhoids:
In case these remedies do not reduce the inflammation in the veins, it may become necessary to follow traditional treatment, using medication or procedures like rubber band litigation, injection (sclerotherapy) and coagulation. Surgical procedures, such as hemorrhoid stapling and removal may also be considered in some cases.
Diet for Hemorrhoids
Your diet is the single most influential factor in the treatment of hemorrhoids as your dietary intake has a direct bearing on your bowel movements. Digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea can aggravate hemorrhoids considerably. Therefore, in order to prevent hemorrhoids and expedite their treatment, it is important to follow a suitable diet. Given below are some of the foods that should be included in a diet for hemorrhoids:
Fiber is the single most important nutritional factor in a diet for hemorrhoids, as it helps in adding bulk to stools and at the same time softens them. In order to avoid straining to pass stools, which would worsen hemorrhoids, you need to increase your consumption of fiber, by eating higher quantities of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals and beans. Many doctors advise people to add fiber supplements to their diet. However, in order to avoid flatulence, it is best to increase high-fiber foods into your diet gradually.
A diet for hemorrhoids is incomplete without high amounts of liquids as well, especially water. It is important to consume at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day, to facilitate bowel movements and keep the stools soft.
While some food items help in improving the problem of hemorrhoids, others may aggravate them. Such food items should therefore be strictly avoided. Given below are some of the common food items that lead to digestive problems and can worsen piles:
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