Hives can be described as clusters of raised, itchy and red (or white) welts or wheals that appear on the surface of the skin. The welts are more likely to crop up on the face, though they could occur on any part of your body. In fact, the hives can even spread all over the body. In most cases, the welts clear up within a couple of weeks, but for some of us, hives could be a long-term problem. You may also suffer from a relapse, after the hives disappear completely. Chronic hives, also called Urticaria, refers to cases of hives that last for more than 6 weeks, or recur frequently.
Though anyone can get hives, this
problem is a lot more common in teens and young adults. While hives is generally a harmless, allergic reaction it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, like burning and severe itching. This is why people undergo treatment, even for mild cases. Antihistamines usually provide instant relief from the uncomfortable symptoms. There is also a slim chance of complications arising because of hives, which include:
Swelling in the throat, which causes blockage in the airways and could be life-threatening
Anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that leads to breathing difficulties
To avoid such complications, consult a doctor as soon as you notice the appearance of welts or any itchy rash on your skin.
Symptoms of Hives
An outbreak of hives could last for anywhere between half an hour and 3 days. You will know that you are suffering from a reaction caused by an allergy, in case you notice:
Reddish or whitish raised welts on the face or the extremities
Small round wheals or rings that seem to change shape
Swelling on the skin and severe itching
The size of hives may vary; they could be as small as the tip of a pen or as large as a plate. There are several skin conditions that can cause a rash. However, in case the rash is because of hives, it will probably get bigger, spread and join with other clusters on your skin to form a larger patch. Hives are known for changing shape, disappearing and reappearing within a matter of minutes.
Just to be sure that it is hives and not another skin condition, press the center of the welt; if it blanches (turns white) it is definitely hives.
The symptoms of hives usually come and go and in most cases, there is no apparent trigger. However, there are certain factors may worsen the symptoms. It is best for you to consult your doctor as soon as you notice the symptoms of hives, to avoid any further complications.
Causes of Hives
The exact causes of hives are still not clear, but health experts claim that they occur as a result of an allergy. This is probably why hives are more common in people with allergies like hay fever. When your body has an allergic reaction to any substance, histamines and other chemicals are released into the bloodstream. You could suffer from hives, because of:
Animal dander, especially cats
Certain vitamin supplements
Consuming foods like fish, shellfish, milk, eggs, nuts or anything you are allergic to
Exposure to pollen
Extreme pollution
Insect bites and stings
Use of certain medication, especially painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen
Remedies for Hives
Mild cases of hives usually disappear within a few hours, without any treatment. However, if the welts last for more than a few hours, you may need to take antihistamines, as recommended by your doctor. In case the problem still persists, your doctor may need to prescribe corticosteroids.
Apart from medicines, you could also seek relief from the discomfort, using natural home remedies. Given below are a few home remedies and natural cures that can help soothe a hives outbreak. Do keep in mind that most of these remedies are not scientifically proven, but they could help treat an outbreak. It would be best to consult with your doctor however.
Baking Soda: Fill your bathtub with some warm water and add around one cup of baking soda to it. Soak in this water for around fifteen minutes to soothe the itching
Herbal Tea: Drink a cup of warm herbal tea every day, as it is excellent for relieving excess stress.
Oatmeal Bath: Oatmeal is one of the most effective remedies for relieving itchiness on the skin. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add a cup of oatmeal to it. Soak in your oatmeal bath for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.
Ice: Apply an ice pack to the welts, in order to shrink the blood vessels and reduce the swelling. You could also wrap a few ice cubes in a thin towel and place it on to your skin for five minutes, around three or four times a day.
Milk: Dip a piece of cloth in some cold milk and apply it on to your skin. Repeat this for around 15 minutes or so. This helps soothe the hives and alleviates the discomfort
Basil: Fresh basil tea is considered a good antidote for hives, when applied to the skin. You can prepare this by adding an ounce of dried basil in a jar and pouring a quart of boiling water into it. Let the solution cool down, before applying it to your skin.
You could also try to prevent an outbreak of hives by:
Maintaining a journal of your daily activities and food consumption, to identify the factors that trigger off the problem
Wearing loose and comfortable clothing, made from natural fabrics like cotton, as they let your skin breathe.
Keeping your environment cool, by switching on the fan or the air conditioner. When the weather is cooler, keep your windows open.
Making sure that you shower / bathe with cool or lukewarm water.
Most of the remedies and preventative steps mentioned above are quite safe if used correctly. However, do consult your doctor, before trying any of them.
Diet for Hives
As soon as your doctor confirms that you are suffering from hives, you may be asked to eliminate certain foods from your diet, which usually include eggs, milk, soybean, strawberries, peanuts and shellfish.
In case the condition persists or recurs in spite of undergoing treatment, your doctor may suggest that you follow a specific diet called the Elimination Diet. Weight loss is not one of the objectives of this diet, which is why there will be no restrictions on your portions or your calorie intake. This diet comprises a list of foods, herbs, condiments and spices that may be used. Given below are some of the foods that are included in an elimination diet for hives:
Almond milk
Bread items without gluten
Brown rice
Brown rice syrup
Cashew butter
Coconut milk
Fresh fruit juices
Herbal tea
Most varieties of fruits and vegetables (with a few exceptions)
Organic chicken
Rice milk
Saltwater fish
Wild game
If the symptoms of hives disappear after you start the diet, you may be allowed to re-introduce certain foods gradually. Given below are some of the foods that are excluded from an elimination diet for hives:
Canned fruits and vegetables
Citrus fruits
Coffee and caffeinated beverages
Dairy products
Prepackaged and processed foods that contain preservatives
Sweets and items that contain refined sugar
Make it a point to check with your doctor, before you make any changes to your diet. Some of these foods included in the elimination diet may not be suitable for you, especially if you suffer from another preexisting medical condition.
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