Human bites


    Usually occurs when one person bites another
    Comes in contact with another person's teeth
    Can be more dangerous than
animal bite
    Human bites has increased risk of infection
    This is due to microbes present in the mouth
    Risk of injury to tendons and joints also present
    Very common among children


    Puncture wounds on skin
    Skin Breaks


    Calm the victim
    If bleeding is not severe, wash the wound
    Use a mild soap
    Clean the wound in running water for 3-5 min
    Apply an antibiotic cream
    Dress the wound using sterile gauze
    If the bleeding is severe, apply pressure to stop bleeding
    Keep the wounded part in a slightly raised position
    Get medical attention immediately
    If not covered for tetanus - an injection is recommended

   Consult a Doctor All human bites must be evaluated by the doctor especially in case of-

    Broken skin
    Pus formation
    If wound occurs near eye, on the face
    If victim has weak immune system (as in AIDS, Cancer)

   Steps to Avoid

    Do not ignore human bites
    Avoid placing the wound in the mouth


    Avoid placing hand near the mouth of a seizure-affected person
    Take caution to prevent your child from developing biting habit

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