Release our people, if not....

Nigerian military has killed some Chibok girls through series of military air strikes instead of killing Boko Haram fighters, a member of the sect who spoke on the authority of Abubakar Shekau, leader of one of the factions of Jama’atu Ahlus-Sunnah lil-Da’awati wal Jihad famously known as Boko Haram disclosed in a newly released video.

The sect also
stated that Nigerian government must set free its members in detention as a condition of setting the girls free.

Shekau’s representative in the video said “Some have been killed by air strike of the Nigerian military. We will show you clips of how some were killed by the military through air strikes. We will also show you clips of some of them who had broken bodies and injuries following the air strikes and air bombing. Like I said, these are the remaining girls; we have nothing against them. All that we want is you should free our brothers.

“If you don't set free our brothers, you should know from this moment that you will never get these girls back by the power of Almighty Allah. This is the summary of our message to the Federal Government and the parents of Chibok girls.

“The core message is to the parents to prevail on the Federal Government of Nigeria if they don't set free our brothers we will not let these girls go. We hope you got the message and in this video, you will see how the jet bomb and killed your girls. Some had broken bodies and others receiving medical attention.

“We want you to know again, we have nothing to get from these girls, but if you don't set our brothers free, we will never set them free by the power of Almighty Allah. You will see how jet killed your own children.”

Shahara R.

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