Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is an extremely common condition, and chances are that even if you dont suffer from it, you probably know someone who does. Despite the fact that this condition is so common, most of us dont know much about it.
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a chronic disorder that afflicts the large intestine. This condition causes food to pass too slowly or
quickly through the large intestines, resulting in painful and distressing symptoms like abdominal cramping, gas, bloating and diarrhea or constipation. The condition is also referred to as functional bowel syndrome or irritable colon and spastic bowel or colon. Despite the impaired digestive function, there is no permanent damage caused to the large intestine. The symptoms however, can be so severe, so as to alter the quality of your life. The condition can be managed quite effectively at home though, with natural remedies for IBS. The most effective home remedies for IBS typically involve the use of dietary and lifestyle modifications. Diet therapy is in fact the most important aspect of treatment.
Irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease, but is a condition, and it cannot be passed on to others. It is not contagious or cancerous. The condition is extremely common, with up to 20% of all adults in the United States suffering from it. The condition is not gender specific, but is more likely to develop in women. In most sufferers, the condition usually surfaces before the age of 35.
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can be rather severe, but they generally vary among different individuals, as IBS affects each person differently. Abdominal discomfort and pain seem to be universal to all sufferers of IBS, but there are plenty of remedies for IBS symptoms that can help cope with them. Some common irritable bowel syndrome symptoms include the following:
Abdominal cramping and pain that usually subsides after a bowel movement
Alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation
Changes in both the consistency and frequency of stools
A buildup of abdominal gas and bloating, often accompanied by flatulence
The passage of mucus from the rectum is not uncommon
You may also notice some amount of abdominal distension
If you have observed these symptoms for a period as long as up to six months, there is a good chance that you may suffer from IBS. These symptoms usually surface after meals, but they are not present throughout. Many patients experience bouts of diarrhea and constipation alternatively, but most will have just one or the other.
The pattern in which the symptoms develop and are present can also vary greatly as some individuals find that the symptoms may worsen and decrease sporadically, over a period of weeks or a month. In others, the symptoms are present most of the time and even begin to worsen with the passage of time. The symptoms are often aggravated by stress, travelling or with changes to your daily routine. The symptoms also seem to increase in women during menstruation.
Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome are quite popular because of the chronic nature of the condition. Most people today are cautious about the use of pharmaceutical products and medications on a regular basis, and tend to seek natural alternatives for common ailments and chronic conditions. Irritable bowel syndrome natural remedies are not meant to be a substitute for conventional treatment however. Make sure that you visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and medical attention. Home remedies can help control the condition however, and reduce your reliance on drugs and also minimize the side effects of various medications. No matter how promising an IBS remedy may appear, there are no miracle cures for IBS. Diet and lifestyle changes need to be of a permanent nature.
Some popular remedies and alternative treatments for irritable bowel syndrome include the following:
Herbal remedies are quite popular for various ailments and peppermint may offer some benefits for IBS patients. Peppermint has antispasmodic properties that could help to relax the intestinal muscles, but most studies so far have been inconclusive. Before you try using peppermint however, make sure you consult your doctor because of possible drug interactions. Keep in mind that peppermint can also cause heartburn.
Acupuncture is another alternative therapy that has gained ground in recent decades. Acupuncture is believed to help relax the muscles, thereby improving bowel function. Investigations into the effects of acupuncture on IBS are so far inconclusive.
Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
There is no specific diet for irritable bowel syndrome, but dietary changes can help significantly. There is no universal IBS diet, because the influence of different foods varies from one individual to the other. There are some broad based guidelines that could help however.
Foods and beverages that stimulate the intestines could worsen your condition, so it may be advisable to avoid consuming colas, caffeine and tea.
Foods like wheat, barley, rye, dairy products, and chocolates are often found to trigger IBS, so you should be cautious.
Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflowers and cabbage, and pulses can pose a problem for individuals who suffer from bloating and gas.
It is advisable to avoid consumption of alcohol.
Increase your intake of dietary fiber, by consuming fiber rich fruits. Avoid fiber supplements unless prescribed to you by your doctor.
Apart from the foods you consume, your meal timings and serving size is also important. Try to maintain regular habits and instead of large servings, eat frequent but small meals.
Avoid consuming any laxatives for constipation, as this could create a dependency, which will only worsen the problem.
Because of the vast differences in food allergies, triggers and reactions among different individuals, it would be best for you to maintain a food diary. This will help to keep track of what you eat and the symptoms or reactions if any. It will help to establish a pattern, so that you can gradually eliminate foods that trigger symptoms.
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