FG collaborate with ICAN for forensic investigation.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, ICAN, has expressed interest to partner with the federal government
on forensic investigation of fraud cases.
President of the Institute, Alhaji, Razak Jaiyeola, made disclosed in Lagos during his investiture as the 54th President of ICAN.
Jaiyeola said that the institute, under his leadership, will be in the vanguard of the campaign on  value for money in the award, execution and monitoring of public projects, stating:
 “As part of our public interest mandate, we will also support the government with policy initiatives that will bring efficiency and effectiveness to governance such that areas of waste and leakages will be plugged. 

If Nigerians will optimally enjoy the benefits of their huge resource endowments, greater premium must be placed on efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the use of public resources.”
Speaking on the institute’s support for government’s anti-corruption crusade, he said that a lot of stolen resources have been recovered due to the government’s adoption of the whistle blowing initiative as part of strategies to drive the anti-corruption war.
“To reinforce the achievements so far recorded, we will deploy our expertise to assist the government in the crusade against sharp practices in low and high places.
 The various discoveries and arrests by law enforcement agencies can only translate to judicial convictions with thorough and professional investigations.
“Therefore, we would collaborate with security agencies to build forensic capacity through our faculties. 
Since fraud and sharp practices are dynamic, we have commenced initiatives to strengthen our forensic training programme to further equip our members to prevent and detect fraud where they occur.
“We will leverage technology to give this anti-corruption crusade a new and refreshing meaning. 
The institute will work with government and regulatory agencies to enhance the capacity of public institutions to deliver on their mandate through massive investment in human capital and infrastructural facilities which hold the key to sustainable development,” he said.

Vanguard ngr

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