Nigerian Union of Allied Health Professions (NUAHP) and Medical & Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) Communique

Communique Issued at the end of the meeting between the National Officers of NUAHP and MHWUN with all the FMC, Owerri Unions, Management and all the workers in a rally on 11th June, 2015 at the FMC Owerri

THe National Officers of Nigerian Union of Allied Health Professions (NUAHP) and medical

and health workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) after meeting with the officers of all union of FMC Owerri the management and the entire workers over the current industrial action in the hospital, observed as follows:

a. Strong allegation of finacial impropriety and maladministration against the medical director (MD) of FMC, Owerri.

b. Strong allegations of illegal virement of personnel funds for capital project against the MD while the management still owes huge arrears of workers' salaries and allowances.

c. That the board of FMC Owerri, cancelled the implementation of private partnership (PPP) project initiated by management.

d. That the MD indiscriminately sacked, demoted, improperly placed and stopped workers salaries with due processes.

e. That the media propaganda against the FMC workers to be destructive in their protest was untrue and baseless.

f. That the media propaganda against the FMC workers to be destructive in their protest was untrue and baseless.

f. That the Board of Management of FMC Owerri has earlier recommended that the MD be suspended while enquires are made into the allegations against her.

g. That the Board has even communicated this decision to the Federa; Ministry of Health (FMOH) earlier than now

h. That in a meeting between the FMOH and all the Unions in FMC Owerri at Abuja, the FMOH agreed to set up an Investigative panel to investigate the allegations against the MD.

i. That instead of working in line with the collective bargaining agreement, the FMOH began to command workers to resume work before the FMOH can look into the complaints before it.

The Unions, after extensive and intensive deliberations on the observations made, resolved and issues this communique' as follows:

1. That in the interest of the immediate environment and better Nigerian at large, the allegations of financial impropriety and maladimistration are too strong to be swept under the carpet without thorough investigation.

2. That for purposes of justice to not just be done but must be seen to have been done, the MD of FMC Owerri should be suspended according to rules and be investigated Immediately.

3. That the FMC Owerri workers unjustly sacked, improperly placed and/or demoted, salaries stopped by immediately reverted to their rightful positions.

4. That the joint Unions meeting-in-session viewed the position of the FMOH in its letter to the National President of NUAHP on FMC Owerri crisis to be coated with insincerity, therefore take exception to it.

5. That the investigative panel to be put in place be made up of people with proven integrity and the chairman should not be a medical professional.

6. That nominees of the workers unions will be part of the panel.

7. That until these anomalies are not just rightened but must be seen to have been so done, the action in FMC Owerri shall continue.

National President NUAHP
National Vice President (South East) MHWUN
Chairman, JOHESU, Imo State

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