Ex-Vatican diplomat's sex abuse trial delayed over illness

 Vatican press photo shows the courtroom of the Holy See, where Jozef Wesolowski is on trial on accusations of sexually abusing minors during his stint as Vatican ambassador to the Dominican Republic.
A former papal diplomat accused of sexually abusing teen boys while stationed in the Dominican Republic has been hospitalized in intensive care, forcing adjournment of his trial in a Vatican courtroom.

Jozef Wesolowski, 66, is accused of causing grave psychological harm to the victims and possessing an enormous quantity of child pornography.

Medical records showing he had been admitted to an intensive care unit of a Rome public hospital because of “sudden illness” Friday were presented by the prosecutor to the judge, who read it without revealing what ails the former prelate.

The trial is seen as a high-profile way for Pope Francis to make good on pledges to punish high-ranking churchmen involved in sex abuse. With summer vacations approaching for the court and Wesolowski’s medical condition, it was unlikely to resume until after summer.

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