Greece crisis: poll shows voters will say 'no' to the troika's terms – but the gap is narrowing

Most Greeks will still vote 'no' to the bailout terms proposed by the troika, though public opinion warmed towards the proposals after the banks closed earlier this week.

A poll conducted by the ProRata institute and published in the Efimerida ton Syntatkton newspaper showed that before the banks closed 57 per cent of people would vote 'no' to reject the troika’s proposals, but after the banks closed this dropped to 46 per cent.
Efsyn has also reported that some workers in Athens were been pushed into attending a 'Yes' rally by their employers on Tuesday night. The newspaper cited a labour minister who had received complaints.
First poll post #GrRef announcement puts "No" in the lead with 54%. "Yes" at 33%, 13% "don't know". #greece #grreferendum
— Yiannis Βaboulias (@YiannisBab) July 1, 2015
Poll for @EFSYNTAKTON puts "No" on 46% and "Yes" on 37%. 17% undecided. Situation very fluid, though #Greece #euro #Greferendum
— Nick Malkoutzis (@NickMalkoutzis) July 1, 2015
Alexis Tspiras, the Greek prime minister, has put in place capital controls to restrict the movement of cash in Greece and stop the banks from collapsing.

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