What to do when felt Dizziness.


Dizziness refers to a sensation of lightheadedness or weakness. When dizziness makes you feel as if you or your surroundings are spinning, it is known as vertigo. Many people also use the term dizziness to describe a feeling faintness or unsteadiness.

Dizziness is rarely a cause for concern and is
very common in adults. There could be a variety of factors that lead to dizziness, and only in rare cases, does it imply a serious condition. In severe cases, frequent dizziness can affect an individual's ability to perform daily functions. The treatment for dizziness depends on the cause and severity of the condition.

Symptoms of Dizziness

Dizziness can result in the following symptoms:

Vertigo which gives you the sense that you or things around you are moving
A feeling that you are about to faint
Loss of balance
A sensation of heaviness in the head
A feeling of being light or even floating
These symptoms may be caused by various health problems. Some conditions can also disrupt the communication between the sensory systems in the body (such as the eyes, inner ears, sensory nerves) and the brain. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience frequent dizzy spells and lightheadedness. Also consult your doctor if you experience any of the following dizziness symptoms:

Sudden dizzy spells
A head injury
Severe stiffness in the neck
Disturbances in vision
High fever
Loss of hearing
Speech problems
Difficulty in walking
Frequent falling
Weakness in the limbs
Loss of consciousness
Chest pain
Slow heart rate
Remedies for Dizziness

Here are some helpful home remedies for dizziness:

Sit down as soon as you start feeling dizzy.
Get rid of things like rugs or electrical wires which may cause you to trip when you feel dizzy. It is also a good idea to use non-slip mats in the bathroom.
Don’t drive when you experience dizziness.
Keep a night light on in case you need to get out of bed at night.
Use a cane if you feel unsteady while walking.
Avoid the intake of alcohol or caffeine as these substances can worsen the symptoms of dizziness.
Talk to your doctor about the best way to manage your symptoms and how to treat dizziness at home.
Simple exercises are sometimes the best cure for dizziness symptoms. Rotating the neck or moving the eyeballs in all directions helps in dealing with dizziness. You can also perform standing or walking exercises. However consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine.
Get proper treatment for underlying disorders that may be causing dizziness. It is important to seek early treatment for ear infections and to continue the treatment until the infection goes away. Other conditions such as respiratory infections and flu can also result in dizziness and it is important to get them treated.
Drink plenty of water and other fluids such as fresh fruit juices. However avoid sugary and carbonated beverages such as colas.
A beneficial dizziness treatment which improves blood circulation and brings about stability is a mixture of salt, vinegar, mustard and pepper. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and consume with a glass of water.
Home remedies for vertigo also include lemon. Add a little salt, pepper and water to lemon extract and consume.
Add honey to apple cider vinegar and drink for relief from symptoms of dizziness.
To alleviate tension in the body and enhance the flow of blood, you can opt for massage therapy. Use of essential oils such as lavender in massage therapy is greatly beneficial.
Add a few pumpkin seeds and ten almonds to three tablespoons of wheat and soak overnight. Grind into a paste in the morning and add a couple of cloves. Add the mixture to milk and bring to a boil. Consume this daily for some days.
Indian gooseberry is a great natural remedy for dizziness. Soak a few pieces of Indian gooseberry and coriander for one night and consume the next morning.
Ginger helps to relieve dizziness and nausea. Studies have shown that it may even be more effective that over-the-counter medications. You can use ginger in the form of supplements. You can also prepare a ginger tea by adding a half inch piece of ginger root to boiling water. Sipping on some ginger ale or chewing on ginger candy is also helpful in treating dizziness.
When you start feeling dizzy, practice deep breathing. Inhale slowly and take in more air during each breath. This helps to soothe the nerves and alleviates stress.
Many individuals are able to manage a vertigo episode by drinking a couple of glasses of iced water.
Make sure that you get enough sleep every night.
The herb ginkgo biloba is known to alleviate feelings of lightheadedness.
Black cohosh helps to relieve vertigo due to high blood pressure. Use of this herb is not advisable in case of pregnant women.
To calm the nerves and reduce mental tension, sip on chamomile tea.
Diet for Dizziness

Here are some dietary tips to prevent dizziness:

Divide your meals into smaller portions instead of having large meals during the day. This will allow digestion to take place properly and will give you energy throughout the day.
Restrict your intake of foods high in carbohydrates.
Eat citrus fruits while travelling to prevent motion sickness.
Increase your intake of iron. Consume foods containing iron such as green leafy vegetables and eggs. In case you suffer from iron deficiency, talk to your doctor about taking an iron supplement. It is also important to increase intake of vitamin C as it helps in iron absorption.
Never skip meals. If you are unable to eat a full meal, opt for a healthy snack such as fruit or toast and peanut butter.

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