What is Heat Exhaustion?.


    Heat exhaustion is a heat - related disorder
    Here, loss of fluids takes place
    This decreases blood flow to
vital organs, leading to shock


    Heat exhaustion caused by excessive heat
    Increased by overexertion / sweating / hot, humid climate

   Risk Factors

    Poor circulation
    Recurrent Illness
    Medications like diuretics / laxatives / anti histamines / anti depressants
    Young children and older people at risk, even when inactive


    Weakness / dizziness
    Headache / nausea
    Cold / moist skin
    Dry tongue / thirst
    Loss of appetite
    Excessive sweating
    Rapid / weak heart beat
    Fast / shallow breathing
    Muscle fatigue

   Treatment a) Cooling the body

    Remove the person to a shady place
    Loosen tight-fitting clothing
    Remove extra clothes
    Cool the person by sponging with wet cloth / towel

b) Hydrating

    Give fluids like sports drink / fruit or vegetable juices
    Water containing electrolytes may be given
    Give fluid every 15-20 minutes
    Avoid coffee and alcohol

   Consult A Doctor

    If the symptoms don't clear up in 30 minutes

Seek emergency help in case of

    Physical collapse
    Loss of consciousness


    Do not indulge in drunken driving
    Practice safe methods while driving / sporting / other activities
    Always follow safety rules
    Supervise the activities of children

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