Sex during

   I am a regular reader of your blog who also needsyour medical advice. I once had sex with my wife while she was still having her menstruation. Although I am not feeling any sign of infection, yet I do get scary.

intercourse during a woman’s period is unhealthy. Though frowned upon in many cultures and faiths, sexual intercourse during menstruation is entirely normal and completely healthy. Worries about this act generally stem from societal misconceptions about menstrual blood: most girls are taught from a young age that their menstrual blood is unclean and “dirty,” and therefore should be hidden and contained at all times.
However, menstrual blood is an entirely natural bodily fluid, and does not cause infection. As long as you and your wife don’t have a sexually transmitted disease or infection, it is entirely alright to have sex during your wife’s period. If either partner has an STD, there is a higher risk of infection during menstruation. Sex can be made safer by using a condom during sexual intercourse.
   However, if either partner has an STD, it is safest not to have sex at all. This is strictly advise in marriage alone.

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